$1.75 Million Settlement In Dump Truck Accident

An Orange County family received a $1.75 million settlement after a dump truck driver was killed after falling from the cab of his own truck.
Paul “Chip” Ferguson and attorney Javier Cabanillas represented the family.
The victim attempted to enter a secure facility by punching an access pad. He did so by opening his door and bending down. As a result, the gentleman was crushed beneath his truck, which was still in gear and ran him over. He was declared dead at the scene.
“We believed the facility could have, and should have, had a better system to monitor entrance,” Ferguson said. “This method, in our view, was potentially unsafe and, here, it was fatal. Nevertheless, it was a very difficult set of facts.”
The defendants denied all responsibility.
“Until they were looking down the barrel of a trial date, the defendants did not seem to take us seriously,” Ferguson said. “Once the trial date loomed near, that changed.”
Two weeks before the trial, the case was settled. According to the press release, the settlement is private in terms of the names of those involved. The victim’s widow and one child survived him.
Ferguson said, “This was a devastating loss for this family. I am very pleased we were able to secure a substantial recovery for them given the difficult nature of this case. Most importantly, the clients were very grateful and pleased with the work we did for them.”
Source: https://setexasrecord.com/stories/646244836-ferguson-law-obtains-1-75-million-settlement-in-difficult-dump-truck-accident